About Me

It was after a personal experience with a back injury that I first experienced massage therapy. I had a terrific Physical Therapist who got me back on my feet primarily with massage.Years after my recovery, I was thrilled to find the South La. Institute o...


Welcome to my Website! If you’re looking for a professional massage therapist, you’ve come to the right place.

I am begining my tenth year as a massage therapist. Since entering the profession, I have worked with

children,younger adults and the elderly.My clientel has included "weekend warriors", professional athletes, Catholic nuns and worn -out grandpas.
I am trained in a variety of modalities.  I am very Western in my approach to massage therapy. It is my understanding of the neuro-muscular system and my skills in manipulating that system that has allowed my clients to receive the greatest benefit. 

My office is located in the River Oaks Office Park at the corner of Stumpf Blvd. and Wright Avenue in Terrytown(Gretna) La.  In the begining of my carreer, I spent a brief time working in a salon envronment. I soon realized I'm not a spa kind of gal !! So I returned to my first place of employment- A Touch of Heaven which was owned by Tammy C. Kershaw ( who is now In Katy,Texas- look her up if your in the Houston area and need A GREAT massage.) After gaining experience and continuing my education, I served as an instructor at Tammy's School- South Louisiana Institute of Massage.

After Hurricane Katrina, I purchased Tammy's equipment. She closed down A Touch of Heaven and I opened A Touch of Heaven Therapeutic Massage Clinic, L.L.C. and then I soon realized the challenges of being an employer were more than I anticipated. I missed the time in the treatment room that playing "Boss Lady" kept me from. And so I downsized, let my therapists  move on to new and exciting things, dissolved th L.L.C.: and now as a Sole Proprietor I spend my time really being a therapist again. And I'm having a Ball!!


As you check out my "services and rates" page, you'll notice my prices are all the same no matter what kind of massage you get. Most people find that unusual. It's really simple--I'm a native of South Louisiana. My staple foods are Gumbo and Jambalaya. Each of those involve throwing a few simple ingredients together, giving it the right attention and Voila!! Something wonderful.
That's what my massages are like- Gumbo or Jambalaya. I use whatever modality-most often a combination- is needed to get the job done.

Also Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed. I can't guarantee any results from your massage(not everyone's body will respond in the same way) But I can guarantee that If you don't like something I'm doing and you tell me about it, I'll adjust the massage. And if you still aren't happy with the actual massage(not the result)--you don't pay.
If you're experiencing chronic pain because of an accident,injury or condition, or just because of life on life's terms; or if you just need a place to get away from life for an hour or two, give me a call!

La. Lic#2181